
10x Genomics: Chromium Single Cell Gene Expression Flex - Go where single cell has never gone before

Chromium Single Cell Gene Expression Flex provides our most sensitive whole transcriptome profiling with the ultimate flexibility to meet your research needs every step of the way.

Visit the link below to register for any or all of the upcoming 10x Genomics webinars. We look forward to seeing you there!


The GBCF is collaborating with 10x Genomics to bring you a webinar series that explores biology in new ways with single-cell and spatial technologies. Building a complete understanding of the vast complexities of biology, from single cells to tissues and beyond, requires multi-omic approaches. 10x Genomics provides single-cell, spatial, and in situ technologies that fuel scientific discoveries and drive exponential progress. Join us for this webinar series to explore how this spectrum of innovation can advance your research.